February 12, 2008

Image Fm

About Image FM
An overview:

After seven years of successful performance in Kathmandu valley IMAGE FM 97.9 has spread its wings beyond the boundary of Kathmandu valley to entertain the listener of Purbabchal and Paschimanchal.
Established on 23rd Poush, 2005, the inaugural songs of IMAGE FM 97.9 were chosen by the then His Royal Highness Crown Prince Late Dipendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev which was an unforgettable historical moment for all music lovers. The station started out with a few hours of test transmission, and has now become a household name in the valley. "Music of your Life", being the theme of the channel, it reached to a new height when it started broadcasting 24 hours, of continues entertainment for people of all age group.
IMAGE FM 97.9 believes in presenting high-quality programs, via airing shows and playing songs that the listeners can essentially relate to. It believes in going that extra mile to mingle and inter-act with its listeners.
Our programs are well designed to the taste of all age groups. It provides information, pure entertainment and news update. There are certain shows that encourage listeners' involvement through mails and live conversation, which, in a way is contributing towards socialization. The show encourages the young listeners to share their views and opinions via phone calls and mails.
Besides this, IMAGE FM 97.9 is a platform for upcoming artists as it acts as a platform to showcase there talent. It provides adequate airplay of their songs thus helping them to reach out to the listeners. IMAGE FM 97.9 also promotes existing artists through "Artist of the Month" section.

Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
>25% extra will be charged for FIXED TIME release orders.
>15% Agency Commission will be provided for Agency releases.
>Release order should be sent on slot/spots or Time Basis.
>Cancellation is subjected to written notice, one week prior to broadcast. Cancellations within a week prior to the broadcast will incur a penalty of 10% of the rate card rate for spots cancelled within this period.
(c) supanix

1 comment:

easyayurveds.com said...

हामीले यहाँ शिघ्र स्खलनको लक्षण र उपचार को बारेमा हजुरहरुलाई बताउन लागि रहेका छौ ।

सिघ्र स्खलन ठीक गर्नको लागि चाहिने यि पाच औषधी हरु एकै ठाउबाट एउटै प्याक मा अर्डर गर्नको लागि कृपया यहाँ क्लिक गर्नुहोस्।

सेक्ससँग सम्बन्धित धेरै समस्या छन्, जसलाई केही घरेलु उपाय अपनाएर मात्र समाधान गर्न सकिन्छ जुन मध्य यो शीघ्र स्खलन पनि साधारण समस्या हो। तपाईं मध्ये धेरैजना शिघ्रस्खलन वा शीघ्रपतनबाट पीडित हुनुहुन्छ पनि होल । त्यसैले यो शिघ्र वीर्य स्खलन भनेको बारे के विस्तृत हो त्यसको बारेमा जानकारी गरौं.

शीघ्र स्खलन के हो?

सबैभन्दा पहिले यो बुझ्न जरुरी छ कि शीघ्रपतनको समस्या के हो? पुरुषले यौनसम्पर्क गर्दा र सुरु भएको दुई–तीन मिनेटभित्र वीर्य स्खलन भएमा वा वीर्य बाहिर निस्किएमा यस्तो समस्यालाई शीघ्र स्खलन रोग भनिन्छ । यसको मतलब यो रोगबाट पीडित बिरामीहरूको सेक्सको अवधि धेरै छोटो हुन्छ। तर, यौनसम्पर्क गर्न कति समय लाग्नुपर्छ र कति समयपछि वीर्य स्खलन गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने कुनै मापदण्ड छैन। सामान्यतया स्वस्थ पुरुषको यौनसम्पर्कको अवधि ५ देखि १० मिनेट सम्म मानिन्छ भने शिघ्र स्खलनबाट पीडित कतिपय बिरामीको एक मिनेटमै स्खलन हुन्छ ।